pictures kindly provided by Harley Jones (Fiji), Jérôme Bauer (France), Li Cong (China), Graham Laurie (Scotland) Kevin Friedrich (USA)
Note: pages will continue to be updated as material and pictures become available

Coupe Mondiale Souvenir Program Free Download. 60 page color publication is available in two formats:
Lower Resolution - 15 MB suitable for computer viewing      Higher Resolution - 88 MB suitable for printing

Tuesday, 25 August 2009
09:00 – 17:00 Coupe Mondiale Registration
09:00 – 10:30 CIA Advancement and Development Committee Meeting (closed)
09:30 – 10:30 North Shore City Mayoral Reception (closed - by invitation only)
11:00 – 12:30 CIA Music Committee Meeting (closed)
11:45 – 12:30 Accordion Demo Concert for Primary School Kids (closed)
13:15 – 14:00 Accordion Demo Concert for Primary School Kids (closed)
14:00 – 16:50 CIA 122nd General Assembly - Opening Session for CIA Members (closed)
17:00 – 18:15 CIA Coupe Mondiale Draw for Championship Candidates playing order
17:30 – 18:30 CIA Coupe Mondiale Candidates Reception (closed - for all candidates only)
  - entertainment by Lionel Reekie; and Tracey Collins
19:30 – 20:00 Foyer Prelude: Stephen Cope
20:00 – 22:30 2009 Coupe Mondiale Grand Opening Concert
  - Auckland Symphony Orchestra (ASO)
  - featuring Guest Accordion Soloists
  - New Zealand Accordion Orchestra (NZAO)
22:30 – 00:00 ‘Meet the International Accordion Celebrities’ evening
  - entertainment by Lionel Reekie; and Tracey Collins
CIA Music Committee Meeting
CIA Music Committee meeting. Alexander Selianov (for Viatcheslav Semionov - Russia), Raymond Bodell (Comittee Secretary), Frederic Deschamps (Chairperson - France), Jacques Mornet (France), Joan Sommers (Vice Chairperson - USA), Harley Jones (Fiji)
CIA Music Committee meeting. Alexander Selianov (for Viatcheslav Semionov - Russia), Raymond Bodell (Comittee Secretary), Frederic Deschamps (Chairperson - France), Jacques Mornet (France), Joan Sommers (Vice Chairperson - USA), Harley Jones (Fiji)
Mayoral Reception
Mayoral Reception for NZAA Committee, CIA Executive Committee Members, Delegates and overseas guests.
North Shore City Council Mayor Andrew Williams hosted a gala Mayoral Reception for NZAA Committee, CIA Executive Committee Members, Delegates and overseas guests.
Mayor of North Shore City Andrew Williams, Gary Daverne (New Zealand), Li Cong (China), Betty Jo and Wolfgang Simon (USA).
Mayor of North Shore City Andrew Williams, Gary Daverne (New Zealand), Li Cong (China), Betty Jo and Wolfgang Simon (USA).
Betty Jo Simon is a soloist with the Auckland Symphony Orchestra during the opening ceremony concert.
Li Cong, Betty Jo Simon, Heather Masefield (New Zealand Accordion Association Secretary), Herbert Scheibenreif (Austria).
Li Cong, Betty Jo Simon, Heather Masefield (New Zealand Accordion Association Secretary), Herbert Scheibenreif (Austria).
Chen Jun (China), Mayor Andrew Williams, Li Cong (China).
Chen Jun (China), Mayor Andrew Williams, Li Cong (China).
Accordion Demo Concert for Primary School Kids
Two Accordion Demo Concerts for Primary School Kids
Two Accordion Demo Concerts for Primary School Kids were held in the morning. Some 1,200 primary school children came to the event.
Martin Music Center Accordion Orchestra from Los Angeles.
Part of the fun image was "Walnut the Clown" combining fun and music learning.
In the background is the Martin Music Center Accordion Orchestra from Los Angeles.
Martin Music Center Accordion Orchestra from Los Angeles.

Randy Martin conducting Martin Music Center Accordion Orchestra in one of several performances scheduled throughout the Coupe Mondiale Festival

The Martin Music Center Accordion Orchestra, under the direction of Randall Martin, is a young, enthusiastic, group of excellent musicians who love to play all kinds of music on the accordion. Based in Fullerton, California, USA, this orchestra is a product of the Martin Accordion and Music Center, owned and operated by Martin and his wife Sandra. This group has performed on television various times in the past 27 years and has played at the White House in Washington D.C. on three different occasions at the invitation of President Bill Clinton and President George W. Bush. They performed in Buffalo, New York, for the AAA Competitions in 2006 and played at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. in 2007 as part of the 60th Coupe Mondiale Anniversary. Each year the group competes and performs in the AFNA Music Festival based in Los Angeles. This group plays classical, jazz, ethnic and sometimes rock and roll in an effort to mix up the program and offer something for everyone in the audience. The arrangements are orchestral in nature, many of them arranged by Randy Martin.

The Martin Music Center Accordion Orchestra is comprised of students of Randall and Sandra Martin, the youngest member being eleven years old. Among the performers with the group this year are the Martin’s twin daughters Kristen and Sarah, who were born in August of 1990 during the AFNA Music Festival featuring the Air New Zealand Accordion Orchestra! Randall and Sandra Martin wish to thank the CIA and the NZAA for inviting them to the 2009 Coupe Mondiale and are looking forward to visiting with all of the wonderful accordionists being featured this year.

Martin Music Center Accordion Orchestra from Los Angeles.
Martin Music Center Accordion Orchestra.
Lionel Reekie
Lionel Reekie enthusing the young children.
Martin Music Center Accordion Orchestra.
Martin Music Center Accordion Orchestra.
2008 Australasian Champion George Xu.
CIA Secretary General Kimmo Mattila
2008 Australasian Champion George Xu.
CIA Secretary General Kimmo Mattila
dissected an accordion and explained how it worked.
"Walnut the Clown" pictured with teachers helping students to play
Alexandra Reekie (8 years)
Alexandra Reekie (8 years) demonstrated to the children her accordion skills.
Lionel Reekie - as during a dramatic and dynamic performance for the children's audience. Behind him (left to right) is Maurice Jones, Jessica Chen and Randy Martin.
Lionel Reekie - as during a dramatic and dynamic performance for the children's audience.
Behind him (left to right) is Maurice Jones, Jessica Chen and Randy Martin.

122nd General Assembly of Delegates Congress
CIA Executive Committee Members CIA Music Committee
USA - Kevin Friedrich (President)
France - Frédéric Deschamps (Chairperson)
United Kingdom - Raymond Bodell (Vice President)
USA - Joan C. Sommers (Vice Chairperson)
Austria - Herbert Scheibenreif (Vice President)
France - Jacques Mornet (Member)
Finland - Kimmo Mattila (General Secretary)
New Zealand - Harley Jones (Member)
New Zealand - Harley Jones (Public Relations Manager)
United Kingdom - Raymond Bodell (Secretary)
France - Frédéric Deschamps (Music Committee Chairperson)    
New Zealand - John Statham (2009 Honourary Vice President)    
Advancement and Development Committee    
Italy - Mirco Patarini (Chairperson)    
USA - Joan C. sommers (Vice Chairperson)    
Australia - Australian society of Accordionists (ASA)
Amelia Granturco
Elizabeth Jones
June Jones
Jedda Kassis
Austria - Harmonika Verband Österreichs (HVÖ)
Herbert Scheibenreif
Werner Weibert
China - Accordion Association of Chinese Musicians Association (CAA)
Li Cong
Chen Jun
France - l’Association Des Professeurs Hohner (APH)
Frédéric Deschamps

Finland - Suomen Harmonikkaliitto (SHL)
Kimmo Mattila
Minna Plihtari
Sari Rytkölä
Sirpa Sippola

Germany - Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV)
Gerog Hettmann
Italy - Italian Accordion Culture (IAC)
Mirco Patarini
Antonio Spaccarotella
New Zealand - New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA)
Heather Masefield
Amber Masefield
Alison Worthington
Carol Yan
Norway - Norske Trekkspilleres Landsforbund (NTL)
Roar Hensvold
Tone Hundere
Tore Ødegård
United Kingdom - National Accordion Organisation of the United Kingdom (NAO)
Anna Bodell
Raymond Bodell
Graham Laurie
USA - American Accordionists’ Association (AAA)
Faithe Deffner
Mary Tokarski
USA - Accordionists and Teachers Guild, International (ATG)
Dee Langley
Joan C. Sommers
Left to right, Mary Tokarski (AAA-USA), Dee Langley (ATG-USA), Joan Sommers (ATG-USA), Faithe Deffner (AAA-USA).
Photos of delegates attending the 122nd General Assembly of Delegates.
Left to right, Mary Tokarski (AAA-USA), Dee Langley (ATG-USA), Joan Sommers (ATG-USA), Faithe Deffner (AAA-USA).
Left to Right: Kimmo Mattila (Secretary General - Finland), Kevin Friedrich (President - USA), Raymond Bodell (Vice-President) Executive
Left to Right: Kimmo Mattila (Secretary General - Finland), Kevin Friedrich (President - USA), Raymond Bodell (Vice-President) Executive
Werner Weibert (Austria), Sirpa Sippola (Finland), Minna Plihtari (Finland).
Werner Weibert (Austria), Sirpa Sippola (Finland), Minna Plihtari (Finland).
Harley Jones (Public Relations - Fiji), Chen Jun (China), Li Cong (China), Livia Cong (translator).
Harley Jones (Public Relations - Fiji), Chen Jun (China), Li Cong (China), Livia Cong (translator).
Executive Table: John Statham (2009 Honorary Vice-President - New Zealand), Herbert Scheibenreif (Vice-President - Austria), Kimmo Mattila (Secretary General - Finland), Kevin Friedrich (President - USA), Raymond Bodell (Vice-President - UK), Harley Jones (Public Relations - Fiji), Frederic Deschamps (France - Chairman of Music Committee).
Executive Table: John Statham (2009 Honorary Vice-President - New Zealand), Herbert Scheibenreif (Vice-President - Austria), Kimmo Mattila (Secretary General - Finland), Kevin Friedrich (President - USA), Raymond Bodell (Vice-President - UK), Harley Jones (Public Relations - Fiji), Frederic Deschamps (France - Chairman of Music Committee).
Photograph of all Delegates
A photograph of all the delegates attending was taken after Congress closed.
Livia Cong, Li Cong, Kevin Friedrich, Chen Jun, Crystal Wang.
Livia Cong, Li Cong, Kevin Friedrich, Chen Jun, Crystal Wang.
Raymond Bodell, Harley Jones making his Public Relations Report to the Congress, Frederic Deschamps.
Raymond Bodell, Harley Jones making his Public Relations Report to the Congress, Frederic Deschamps.
Herbert Scheibenreif, Kimmo Mattila, Kevin Friedrich
Herbert Scheibenreif, Kimmo Mattila, Kevin Friedrich
Delegates Left to Right: Anna Bodell & Graham Laurie (UK), Amber Masefield & Heather Masefield and Carol Yan & Alison Worthington (New Zealand),
Delegates Left to Right: Anna Bodell & Graham Laurie (UK), Amber Masefield & Heather Masefield and Carol Yan & Alison Worthington (New Zealand),
Elizabeth Jones, June Jones, Jedda Kassis, Amelia Granturco (Australia).
Carol Yan & Alison Worthington (New Zealand), Elizabeth Jones, June Jones, Jedda Kassis, Amelia Granturco (Australia).
Carol Yan & Alison Worthington (New Zealand), Elizabeth Jones, June Jones, Jedda Kassis, Amelia Granturco (Australia).
Antonio Spaccarotella (Italy), Alexander Selianov (Russia)
Li Cong (China), Livia Cong (translator), Crystal Wang (translator),
Antonio Spaccarotella (Italy), Alexander Selianov (Russia)
and Mirco Patarini (Italy).
Li Cong (China), Livia Cong (translator), Crystal Wang (translator),
Chen Jun (China).
Raymond Bodell accepting to be the President of the CIA
Raymond Bodell accepting to be the President of the CIA
from September 2009 onwards.
Coupe Mondiale Contestants Draw for Playing Order
Junior Coupe Mondiale category contestants.
Junior Coupe Mondiale category contestants.
International Competition for Ensemble Music Category contestants.
International Competition for Ensemble Music Category contestants.
Junior Virtuoso Entertainment Music category contestants.
Junior Virtuoso Entertainment Music category contestants.
Virtuoso Entertainment Music category contestants
Virtuoso Entertainment Music category contestants
International Competition for Piano Accordion category contestants.
International Competition for Piano Accordion category contestants.
Coupe Mondiale category contestants.
Coupe Mondiale category contestants.
Contestants and audience watching the draw for playing order.
Digital Accordion category contestants.
Above Left: Digital Accordion category contestants.
Above Right: After the draw for playing order, there was a tour of the Bruce Mason Centre facilities and practice rooms, then a reception for candidates. Annemarie Panzic (New Zealand Accordion Association Committee) with the reception food she had organized for the candidates.
Two contestants from Brazil, Bruno Moritz and Sarah Assis.
Grayson Masefield (New Zealand) and John Statham greeting each other.
Two contestants from Brazil, Bruno Moritz and Sarah Assis.
Grayson Masefield (New Zealand) and John Statham greeting each other.
Tracey Collins providing music entertainment
Tracey Collins and NZ Accordion Association President John Statham who welcomed the candidates to the reception.
Tracey Collins providing music entertainment
for the candidate's reception.
Tracey Collins and NZ Accordion Association President John Statham who welcomed the candidates to the reception.
Crystal Wang and John Statham.
Crystal Wang and John Statham.
2009 Coupe Mondiale Grand Opening Concert

Above and Below: Hato Petera College Kapa Haka Group Welcoming the CIA Guests and International and local Visitors

‘Kia inoi kia mahi, ko Hato Petera’ Hato Petera College is a local high school in Northcote, for students in Year 9 to Year 13. The school has a strong Catholic and Maori character. It is located on part of the land originally given by Sir George Grey (Governor of New Zealand) to Bishop Pompallier (first Bishop of Auckland) in 1841 for education purposes. This year the school will be representing Auckland at the National Nga Manu Korero oratory competitions in the Senior Maori section in September.‘No reira tena koutou tena koutou tena koutou katoa.’

The Auckland Symphony Orchestra is a community based orchestra formed in 1975 by its musical director, Gary Daverne. The players are drawn from all parts of Auckland and all walks of life. The main philosophy of the orchestra is that music should be fun and enjoyed by players and audiences alike - hence the regular, free, family concerts that are offered in Auckland and out-of-town areas where a live performance by a Symphony Orchestra is a rare event. In 2007, the orchestra performed successful concerts to large, enthusiastic and appreciative audiences in the Chinese cities of Shanghai, Shi Jia Zhuang and Beijing.
For further information about The Auckland Symphony Orchestra and possible playing opportunities with the orchestra, please contact the Secretary: Mrs. Beverley Brockelbank. Telephone: 09 4244057 or at

Soloist Betty Jo Simon performing with the Auckland Symphony Orchestra (ASO)

Soloist Betty Jo Simon performing with the Auckland Symphony Orchestra (ASO)
Concerto No. 1 in G Minor by Anthony Galla-Rini (1st Movement)

Anthony Galla-Rini was born in the USA of Italian decent. He is called the “Grandfather of the Accordion” because he did so much to promote the accordion by standardizing the switch systems and notation for the left hand. He wrote hundreds of transcriptions from classical to popular music for the accordion (solos and orchestral) along with composing two concertos for accordion and orchestra. He got his start in vaudeville at the early age of 7 through 22, played 12 instruments and was a concert artist. He also wrote a method book for accordion and was a renowned teacher. He died in 2006 at the age of 101.

Betty Jo Simon: Betty Jo, like Galla-Rini, is Italian American. Her musical aptitude and love for the accordion appeared early. As a high school student, she became the first accordionist to win the instrumental division of the Youth Talent Auditions of the Topeka Civic Symphony. Betty Jo earned a Bachelor of Music in Accordion Performance from the University of Missouri - Kansas City (UMKC), where she played the world premiere of Paul Creston’s Fantasy for Accordion and Orchestra with the UMKC Civic Orchestra. Betty Jo now performs as a soloist throughout the United States and internationally and currently leads a German polka band called The Alpen Spielers. In 2000, Betty Jo appeared on satellite TV in a variety musical production, which aired on Chinese New Year and continued giving concerts in Beijing and Shanghai. Betty Jo has a wide repertoire from which to choose - her favorite - Around the World with the MIDI Accordion.’ She enjoys performing classical music the most, but she loves the schmaltzy stuff too and still likes to play as a strolling musician. She strives to project a positive image of the accordion through her concerts and hope to encourage others to take up the instrument by demonstrating its versatility.

Stephanie Poole performing with the Auckland Symphony Orchestra (ASO)

Stephanie Poole performing with the Auckland Symphony Orchestra (ASO)
Oblivion by Astor Piazzolla

Ástor Pantaleón Piazzolla was an Argentine composer and bandoneón player. His oeuvre revolutionized the traditional tango into a new style termed nuevo tango, incorporating elements from jazz and classical music. An excellent bandoneonist, he regularly performed his own compositions with different ensembles.

Stephanie Poole: Stephanie Poole (nee Grey) was born in Auckland and has been a prolific winner of competitions in New Zealand, including three times winner of the New Zealand Solo Accordion Championship. She was principal accordionist with the Air New Zealand Accordion Orchestra which toured extensively through Europe, America and China. Stephanie has taught a number of New Zealand’s top accordionists and is currently the accordion teacher for the University of Auckland’s Bachelor of Music (Performance).

Mary Tokarski performing with the Auckland Symphony Orchestra (ASO)
Mary Tokarski performing with the Auckland Symphony Orchestra (ASO)

Mary Tokarski performing with the Auckland Symphony Orchestra (ASO)
Rhapsody for Accordion and Orchestra by Gary Daverne

This work was commissioned by Auckland accordionist, Harley Jones, for performance in New York, August 1988. It was premiered in Auckland in 1987, by Harley with the Auckland Symphony Orchestra, and conducted by Gary Daverne. In the first two years it received 36 performances worldwide and was recorded by The New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, with Harley as soloist. Performed frequently internationally, several other recordings have been made of this work, both with symphony and accordion orchestras. Rhapsody combines the sensitivity, expressive and distinct tone colors of the accordion with the full power of a symphony orchestra.

Mary Tokarski: Mary began her music career at age 7, and performing and competing at local, state and national accordion events throughout early adulthood. During her early career, she has amassed over 185 trophies and awards, including two U.S. Championship Titles. Mary started teaching at an early age (before finishing high school) and over the years has fine-tuned her teaching skills by taking all sorts of music and education courses. She is currently a music teacher for the North Haven, Connecticut Department of Education, Early Childhood Development Program. As a member of The K-Trio, with her sister Julie and brother Walter, Mary performs regularly in concerts throughout the United States and internationally. The trio performs a wide variety of musical genres, and has been acclaimed as one of the world’s finest accordion ensembles. Mary is a ‘regular’ on the workshop circuit in the musical associations and along with the other members of The K-Trio. She presents workshops on Precision Ensemble Techniques, Technical Development and Virtuoso Performance Preparation. In 2004 she was named a Rotary International Paul Harris Fellow by the Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. She performed Rhapsody for Accordion and Orchestra with the Moravian Philharmonic (Czech Republic) in 2005 with Gary Daverne conducting. This is her second appearance with the ASO.

Tracey Collins performing with the Auckland Symphony Orchestra (ASO)
Tracey Collins performing with the Auckland Symphony Orchestra (ASO)

Tracey Collins performing with the Auckland Symphony Orchestra (ASO)
Irish Washerwomen Dual

Tracey Collins: Tracey Collins is a well known Professional Accordion Entertainer who performs regularly around New Zealand. She first started playing the accordion at the age of 6. Tracey has provided entertainment at a number of high profile events such as the America’s Cup; Ellerslie Flower Show; Louis Vuitton; Devonport Food and Wine Festival; Last night of the Proms (with ASO); and has made many appearances on TV and Radio. You might have seen her on her recent venture building the Yellow Pages Treehouse Restaurant and entertaining with her accordion ten meters up a Redwood tree. Contact: 021 537 323; E- mail:

Betty Jo Simon (USA)
Tracey Collins (New Zealand
Betty Jo Simon (USA)
Tracey Collins (New Zealand
Stephanie Poole performing
Mary Tokarski performing
Stephanie Poole performing
Oblivion by Astor Piazzolla
Mary Tokarski performing
Rhapsody for Accordion and Orchestra by Gary Daverne
CIA President presenting Gary Daverne (Conductor of the Auckland Symphony Orchestra) with the CIA Honored Friend of the Accordion Award
CIA President presenting Gary Daverne (Conductor of the Auckland Symphony Orchestra) with the CIA Honored Friend of the Accordion Award
CIA President presenting Gary Daverne (Conductor of the Auckland Symphony Orchestra) with the CIA Honored Friend of the Accordion Award
Citation read by CIA President Kevin Friedrich:

"Recognizing the significant contributions of Gary Daverne to the development of accordion music and performance, both in New Zealand and internationally, the NZAA nominated their Life Member Gary Daverne for the CIA Honored Friend of the Accordion Award. This was awarded by unanimous approval of the CIA at their 121st General Assembly of Delegates held from the 30 January - 1 February 2009, in Bratislava, Slovakia, hosted by CIA Member from Slovakia, the Methodical Centre of Accordion - Marta Szokeova (MCA).

It is with great pleasure that we have this unique opportunity to present you with this award not only in front of your magnificent team of musicians in the Auckland Symphony Orchestra, but also in front of our International dignitaries from around the World. On behalf of the CIA, we offer you this CIA Honored Friend of the Accordion Award in sincere appreciation for your outstanding contributions."

His Worship the Mayor of North Shore City Andrew Williams welcoming
2009 CIA Honorary Vice President and President of the New Zealand Accordion Assoc. John Statham giving his Welcome Address
His Worship the Mayor of North Shore City Andrew Williams welcoming
the CIA Guests and Visitors.
2009 CIA Honorary Vice President and President of the New Zealand Accordion Association John Statham giving his Welcome Address.
Presentation of NZAA Merit Award to Kevin Friedrich by John Statham
Silvio De Pra - CIA Honored Friend Of The Accordion Award
Presentation of NZAA Merit Award to Kevin Friedrich by John Statham
Kevin Friedrich - NZAA Merit Award

The NZAA thanks and commends Kevin for his service and dedication as CIA President for the past eight years, for his efforts in promoting the accordion, and for his outstanding representation of the New Zealand accordion movement on an international scale, with the award of the NZAA Merit Award
Silvio De Pra - CIA Honored Friend Of The Accordion Award

The NZAA nominated NZAA Life Member Silvio de Pra for the CIA Honored Friend of the Accordion Award, which was awarded by unanimous approval of the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) at their 119th General Assembly of Delegates held 18 - 20 January 2008, in Skopje, Macedonia, hosted by CIA member "Ljubiteli na klasicnata muzika" - Skopje (Accordion Association of the Republic of Macedonia).
Marie Jones - NZAA Life Member
Faithe Deffner - NZAA Lifetime Achievement Award
Marie Jones - NZAA Life Member

It is with pleasure the NZAA thanks Marie for her years of dedication
and commitment to the NZAA and to promoting the accordion
in New Zealand, with the award of NZAA Life Membership.
Faithe Deffner - NZAA Lifetime Achievement Award
The inspiration and support of Faithe Deffner has therefore had a profoundly positive effect on the development of the accordion in New Zealand and in the many musical successes of New Zealand accordionists over a long period of time. The NZAA wishes to recognize the important contributions of Faithe Deffner towards the development of the accordion in New Zealand, with the NZAA Lifetime Achievement Award.
New Zealand Accordion Orchestra (NZAO) - Conducted by Gary Daverne (ONZM)

New Zealand Accordion Orchestra (NZAO) - Conducted by Gary Daverne (ONZM)
Invercargill March by Alex Lithgow
New Zealand in Song arranged by Gary Daverne
Musical Party by Gary Daverne (for Silvio De Pra)

45 accordionists from around New Zealand perform together, after just four rehearsals, as the massed New Zealand Accordion Orchestra (NZAO) conducted by Gary Daverne. NZAO is headed by Stephanie Poole on lead accordion, and its massed members are formed around two foundation orchestras – the North Shore Accordion Orchestra (NSAO) and the Musicale Accordion Orchestra.

NZAO commemorates the centennial of this most famous military march, by Alec Lithgow. Lithgow composed Invercargill March in 1909, dedicated to New Zealand’s southernmost city. Today, the March has become New Zealand’s most internationally recognized composition, and a standard of military bands around the world.‘To Invercargill, the southernmost city in New Zealand (the end of the world) and its citizens, I dedicate this March as a memento of many pleasant years spent there in my boyhood.’ – Alec Lithgow, 1909

A collection of classic New Zealand tunes, arranged for accordion orchestra by Gary Daverne. This medley was originally part of the repertoire of the Air New Zealand Accordion Orchestra, which performed many Goodwill Concert Tours to the USA, Europe and China. Featuring: God Defend New Zealand (National Anthem); Land of Long White Cloud; Poi Waka; Pokare Kare Ana; Maori Battalion; Hoki Mai; Haere Mai; Now Is The Hour.

A Musical Party was commissioned by the New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) in 2001, to commemorate its 30th anniversary. The composition was dedicated to NZAA Life Member Silvio de Pra, honoring him for his outstanding contribution to the accordion in New Zealand. A Musical Party was premiered by a massed accordion orchestra and conducted by its composer, at the annual NZAA Championships & Festival in June 2001. It has also been revised for solo accordion and symphony orchestra.

New Zealand Accordion Orchestra (NZAO) - Conducted by Gary Daverne (ONZM)
CIA Public Relations Manager Harley Jones participating in the New Zealand Accordion Orchestra.
Amber Masefield and Alison Worthington, both members of the Coupe Mondiale organizing team in the New Zealand Accordion Orchestra.
CIA Public Relations Manager Harley Jones participating in the New Zealand Accordion Orchestra.
Amber Masefield and Alison Worthington, both members of the Coupe Mondiale organizing team in the New Zealand Accordion Orchestra.
1980 Coupe Mondiale contestant Marcel Reithmann with Mayor and Mayoress of North Shore City Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Williams.
1980 Coupe Mondiale contestant Marcel Reithmann with Mayor and Mayoress of North Shore City Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Williams.
Late Night Function - Meet the International Accordion Celebrities Evening
Kevin Friedrich, Stephanie Poole (soloist with the ASO), Gary Daverne, Steven Vincent (Member of the International Jury).
Kevin Friedrich, Stephanie Poole (soloist with the ASO), Gary Daverne, Steven Vincent (Member of the International Jury).
Cao Xiao-Qing (China - Tutor at Beijing University), Mary Tokarski (soloist with the Auckland Symphony Orchestra) and Gary Daverne.
Cao Xiao-Qing (China - Tutor at Beijing University), Mary Tokarski (soloist with the Auckland Symphony Orchestra) and Gary Daverne.
Raymond Bodell (UK), Heather Masefield (New Zealand), Marco Cinaglia (Roland Corp. - Italy), Anna Bodell (UK)
Raymond Bodell (UK), Heather Masefield (New Zealand), Marco Cinaglia (Roland Corp. - Italy), Anna Bodell (UK)
Tony Davies-Jones (Cook Islands), Sirpa Sippola, Hari and Suzanna Hakala, Minna Plihtari (all from Finland)
Tony Davies-Jones (Cook Islands), Sirpa Sippola, Hari and Suzanna Hakala, Minna Plihtari (all from Finland)
Team Roland at the event.
Team Roland at the event.
Maryann, Denis and Jenna Murray (New Zealand) and Mirco Patarini (Italy)
Maryann, Denis and Jenna Murray (New Zealand) and Mirco Patarini (Italy)
Lionel Reekie
Lionel Reekie
Well known Auckland based entertainer Lionel Reekie
Jacques Mornet (France), Mr and Mrs Cao Xiao-Qing (China)
Frederic Deschamps (France), Cory Pesaturo (USA)
Jacques Mornet (France), Mr and Mrs Cao Xiao-Qing (China)
Frederic Deschamps (France), Cory Pesaturo (USA)
Tracey Collins
Soloist Betty Jo Simon (USA), Heather Masefield (New Zealand)
Auckland based Entertainer
Tracey Collins
Soloist Betty Jo Simon (USA), Heather Masefield (New Zealand)
and soloist Tracy Collins (New Zealand)
Cao Xiao-Qing (China)
Betty Jo Simon (USA), incoming
Cao Xiao-Qing (China)
and Mary Tokarski (USA)
Betty Jo Simon (USA), incoming
CIA President Raymond Bodell (United Kingdom)
President of the ATG (USA) Dee Langley
Jenna Murray and Mirco Patarini.
President of the ATG (USA) Dee Langley
Jenna Murray and Mirco Patarini.
Tracey Collins, Allison Worthington and Carol Yan.
Harri Hakala (Finland), Jacques Mornet (France) and Susanna Hakala (Finland)
Tracey Collins, Allison Worthington and Carol Yan.
Harri Hakala (Finland), Jacques Mornet (France) and Susanna Hakala (Finland)
Tracey Collins and Cory Pesaturo (USA)
Tracey Collins and Cory Pesaturo (USA)