- Live Events:

Live Video - 7 Coupe Mondiale Competitions
(Delayed Broadcast)

  • 7 Coupe Mondiale Competition Categories, every contestant from every category, from Wednesday to Saturday
  • Good Size and Quality Image (see sample size below)
  • Download files to your computer, play on Quicktime, RealPlayer, Itunes, Firefox and Internet Explorer.
  • Watch the video on your computer, anytime at your leisure, as often as you want
  • The Complete Prize Giving combined with the First Place Winners performance from the Farewell and Prize Giving Concert
  • Download files authorised by the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA), IMC - UNESCO
Excellent Price
Purchase online using secure bank server and credit card. The shopping basket links to the high security eCommerce site run by RBS, part of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group, one of the world's largest banking groups. Client credit card details are not transmitted outside the bank.
Video - FOUR DAYS, ALL CLASSES - only 55 Euros
Video - Wednesday 26th August - 20 Euros
Video - Thursday 27th August - 20 Euros
Video - Friday 28th August - 20 Euros
Video - Saturday 29th August - 24 Euros - includes Complete Prize Giving and the winners performances at the Farewell and Prize Giving Concert
Visa Purchasing

2009 Concert Schedule

Sample Screen Size of 768 pixels x 576 pixels

Further Information:
1. This service is provided by website.
2. You can view the video download files on various programs including: Quicktime, RealPlayer, Itunes, Firefox and Internet Explorer. If you wish to have any of these programs on your computer, click the link.
3. You may wish to have a downloading program on your computer, this will allow you to pause or restart if necessary, and it is very fast and free. It is only a 2.8MB download from
4. As the event starts each day, you will be emailed the password information and the link to the folder where to download your video files. The files will be online for 24 hours to allow time for you to download. These are large files and therefore you need reliable internet with good speed.
5. The delay will be approximately 3 hours, subject to internet connection speed.
6. The Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA), IMC - UNESCO and the New Zealand Accordion Association Inc. accepts no responsibility for any technical problems or damages or liabilities from providing this service. Copyright remains with the property of the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA), IMC - UNESCO and this service cannot be reproduced or copied without the written permission of the CIA Secretary General.
7. New Zealand credit card holders living north of Taupo will not receive the information to download the video files until 2 days after the event. This is to ensure that the Video Download does not harm concert ticket sales.
8. If there should be insufficient demand for the service, the organisers reserve the right to cancel the service and make full refunds.

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