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The Video Archive and Education Project is a successful project initiated by the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA). The project includes:
(i) A video of all the Coupe Mondiale categories and their contestants to be kept in the CIA Archives Center housed in Ikaalinen, Finland at the CIA Headquarters, which over the coming years will become a wealth of historical recordings, including the premiere of many original accordion works and the emergence of upcoming artists at the Coupe Mondiale

(ii) Free downloads of the all the performances and winners of each Coupe Mondiale category as well as all other concerts and activities as possible. These videos will be available online as free downloads for the educational benefit of accordion teachers and students. The purpose is to enable the free spread of knowledge and information and thereby raise the levels of accordion performance and musicianship internationally.
Each of the seven categories of competition of the 72nd Coupe Mondiale in Shenzhen, China will be available online as they take place, as well as archived for later viewing.

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