Delegates |
- Harmonika Verband Österreichs (HVÖ)
Werner Weibert
Herbert Scheibenreif
- Instituto
Oswaldino do accordeon
Samantha Alburquerque
Sarah Alburquerque |
- Belarus Bajanists and Accordionists Association
Vladislav Pligovka
Nikolai Seviukov |
Belgium - VZW Accordeon Salon
Jeff De Haes |
- Accordion Association of Chinese Musicians Association (CAA)
Li Cong
Tong Jianhuua
Crystal Wang
Estonia - Estonian
Accordion Society
Aivi Tilk
Kristel Laas
Tiina Valja |
France - France - European
Music Academy (EMA)
Frédéric Deschamps |
- Suomen Harmonikkaliitto (SHL)
Minna Plihtari
Ville Mattila
Petri Makkonen
Raimo Vertainen |
- Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV)
Georg Hettmann
Andreas Nebl
Hungary - "Az Ifjú Harmonikásokért" Alapítvány - "For the Young Accordionists" Foundation
Sergei Krickiz
Olga Papp |
- Italian Accordion Culture (IAC)
Antonio Spaccarotella
Dario Flammini
Renzo Ruggiero |
Kazakhstan - Kazakh National University of Arts, Kazakhstan
Anatoly Gaissin
Irini Makey |
Latvia - Naujene Music and Art School
Spodris Kacans |
Kaunas Accordion Society (KAS)
Kazys Stonkus
Mindaugas Labanauskas
- Ljubiteli na Klasicnata Muzika in Skopje
Zorica Karakutovska
Anica Karakutovska
Elizabeta Ilievska |
Association 'Music Art" Montenegro
Nemanja Potarić |
Zealand - New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA)
Sonja Palinich
Harley Jones
Grayson Masefield
Amber Masefield |
Portugal -
Mito Algarvio - Associação de Acordeonistas do Algarve
Nelson Conceicao |
- Interregional Association of Bayanists and Accordoinists
Viatcheslav Semionov
- Russia
- Autonomous non-profit Organisation "Center of Musical Art"
Yulia Amerika
Vladimir Orlov
- International Music Center "Harmony"
Yuri Shishkin |
- Faculty of Arts of the University of Ni
Miljan Bjeletic |
- Department of Accordion at Faculty of Philology and Art in Kragujevac (FILUM)
Zoran Rakic
Vladimir Mandic |
Switzerland - Akkordeon
Marty Ruedi |
- Sveriges Dragspelares Riksförbund
Jörgen Sundeqvist
Päivi Mettäla
Ukraine - International Art Centre Acco Holiday Festival of Kiev
Yan Tabachnik |
Kingdom - National Accordion Organisation of the United Kingdom
Raymond Bodell
Anna Bodell
Graham Laurie
Andy Coles |
- American Accordionists Association (AAA)
Mary Tokarski |
- Accordionists and Teachers Guild, International (ATG)
Elizabeth Finch
Joan C. Sommers
Amy Jo Sawyer |
Apologies for non-attendance |
- Australian Accordion Teachers Association (AATA)
President: Tatjana Marx |
Croatia - Glazbena Skola Zlatko Balokovića (State Music College-Accordion Department)
Contact person: Marjan Krajna |
Denmark - Danske
Harmonikaspilleres Landsforbund (DHL)
Chairman: Kaj Bertelsen |
Kazakhstan - Kazakh National University of Arts, Kazakhstan
CIA Contact: Samgar |
Norway - Norske Trekkspilleres
Landsforbund (NTL)
Chairman: Odd Arne Halaas |
Spain - Associació Catalana d’Acordionistes (ACDA)
President: Blai Navarro |
Ukraine - International Art Centre Acco Holiday Festival of Kiev
CIA Contact: Yan Tabachnik |
The 140th General Assembly of Delegates was held at 14.00 in the Kaunas Philharmonic Hall, attended by Executive Officers, Music Committee members and International Delegates.
President Mirco Patarini (Italy) welcomed Delegeates to the first CIA event held in Lithuania, the 71st Coupe Mondiale Festival in Kaunas.
Appologies for non-attendance and adoption of Proxies were recorded. After the adoption of the minutes of the 139th General Assembly from Kokkola, Finland, the General Assembly were offered reports from Mirco Patarini (President), Kimmo Mattlia (General Secretary), Harley Jones (Public Relations Manager), Alexander Selivanov (acting Chaiperson of the Music Committee) and Herbert Scheibenreif (Vice President).
Delegates from various member nations offered reports on activities from their own countires including Mary Tokarski (USA-AAA - pictured right), Liz Finch (USA-ATG), Nelson Conceicao (Portugal), Georg Hettman (Germany), Raymond Bodell (United Kingdom).
A new member application was reviewed from Montenegro, with further applications from Peru and a second application from Montenegro being slated for the 2nd General Assembly session.
Nemanja Potarić presenting information about the Association "Music Art" from Montenegro |
Future events on the CIA calendar include:
- 2019 Winter Cognress: 1-3 March, 2019 in Tallin, Estonia
- 2019 Coupe Mondiale: 13-17 August, 2019 in Shenzhen, China
- 2020 Winter Congress: in Prague, Czech Republic
- 2020 Coupe Mondiale: 2-4 October, Algrave, Portugal
- 2021 Winter Congress: Switzerland
- 2021 Coupe Mondiale: Germany
- 2022 Winter Congress: Kungsbacka, Sweden
- Coupe Mondiale: 4-9 October in Zofingen, Switzerland
Crystal Wang (Chinese Accordion Association) making a presentation about the 2019 Coupe Mondiale in Shenzhen, China
to be held from 13-17 August, 2019. The Shenzhen Coupe Mondiale has been strongly support by the Chinese Governement who have generously pledged 500,000 Euro to stage the Coupe Mondiale Festival. |